An Excellent Resource: Author Jason Byasee visits the Blog and Discusses his own Article

In case you missed it, Christian Century article author Jason Byassee was kind enough to interact with blog readers about his own article on some Illinois area Anglicans. The Anglican disapora is a tough story, and much media coverage of it is not very good–take a look at this discussion and see what you think.


Posted in * Anglican - Episcopal, * Culture-Watch, Blogging & the Internet, Media

2 comments on “An Excellent Resource: Author Jason Byasee visits the Blog and Discusses his own Article

  1. libraryjim says:

    I think it is so very helpful when an author of a piece we are discussing stops by to clarify/expound on what was written. It makes such a difference when we can ask questions or through dialogue find out just what was meant without having to resort to speculation.

    Thanks to Jayson Byasee for taking that extra step.

    Jim Elliott <><

  2. RickW says:

    Isn’t it interesting that without the input of the Author, he was being blamed for bad motives, when the truth was a bad factual basis on some points and editing for space on others. His commentary sheds light on some of the background of the players. He compliments the AMiA people for their willingness to admit weaknesses. (would that all of us do that more often)

    How many others are taken to task with charges thrown of impure motives, when it’s just a misunderstanding of events or lack of knowlege of one side or another?

    The discussion of heresy vs Schism was intersting, but that subject needs to be debated here on this site. What better forum? Perhaps someone knows a biblical scholar and theologian and can encourage him to start the conversation?

    Does anyone remember the break in Heaven, when a third of the angels followed Satan? They were worshipping in the throne room, Satan leading worship, when he wanted the praise for himself. This is not meant to demonize another believer, but to point out that church splits have an origin which started long before any of us were around. I don’t think it’s a characteristic of heaven that we are meant to emulate, but we need to know the origin and the results.